Thursday, 16 November 2017

Domina Confessions 2: Escaping Perfectionism

New Video on Youtube!

Why do we strive for perfection all the time? I have been a victim of perfectionism all my life, from wanting to get 110% on all my high school exams, to recently not sharing photos or videos because I didn't have the right editing to showcase an idealised image of The Mistress.

But recently, I have had ENOUGH! Striving for the final 10% in that 100% of perfection is a waste of time!!! Getting paranoid about whether we are perfect enough to be "liked" by others drains our energy. Instead, I suggest to try your best, but accept that there will always be others who do better in one thing or another. Competition can be fun, but not an obsession. In striving to be perfect, be forget to be REAL. Connecting and serving one another is just so much deeper and more fulfilling. I am stepping down from the pedestal. It's too lonely up there! :-D

Real Kink for real people!


Confessions of a Real Life Dominatrix-1

Confessions of a Real Life Dominatrix

Ever wanted to meet a real Domina? Or wanted to know what is her life all about? Well, the search is over. I'm Kalyss Mercury, tantric dominatrix and BDSM expert, and I want to share with you about the REAL Authentic details of a domina's life. In this first episode, I share some details about the reality of a the Domina lifestyle, the day-to-day instead of what people fantasize about... About my love for SESSIONS, and what I most love about it. What a blessing to be able to help people surrender and let go of CONTROL!

Check out the full video on my YouTube Channel

If you have any questions about BDSM & Tantra, send me an email (, and I will answer them in future videos.

For more information on how to have a BDSM session or a kink coaching session, check my website:

Monday, 6 November 2017

MerMistress- A Latex creation by MKM & HoH


        I have been saving this exclusive video for 2 years... It was a special gift to the generous slaves who contributed to the making of this one-of-a-kind dress, designed by myself and House of Harlot.

MerMistress Design, by Robin Archer HoH
       This dream began in 2013, when I was hired as BDSM advisor for My Mistress, the movie. That alone is a special story. But of course, I needed to have a dress made for the movie premiere. So when I was on tour in London (2014), I visited my friend Robin from House of Harlot. I shared my vision of a mermaid style dress, but without a tail... He showed me some custom made molded latex he had left over from another movie costume. When I saw the gold scaled latex, I was sold. In less than 20 minutes, he drew me the gown.

       Now I knew a quality latex gown like this would not come cheap, so I created a kickstarter campaign to help me fund the gown. Seven generous subs contributed (between 50 and 400GBP each) and gained a video (exclusive for 2 years), signed prints, and a chance to have a private session with me wearing the gown. They were all very happy to participate. #LoveLatex

Now that the privacy period is done, you can all enjoy the video of the crown jewel of my latex wardrobe: MerMistress!

The raw materials, as Robin designed the gown.
Thank you Robin Archer (HoH), Victor Valerian (videographer), Mr. Alex (video editor) and all the sweet subs who contributed financially to the making of this gown.

What shall Mistress Mercury's next latex fantasy be? Add your suggestions in the comments below. (My Mistress IMDB)



               by Kalyss Mercury

Out of the ocean she soars

Blowing moist marine breeze 

Glowing flash, fresh tease

Smooth, shiny, shimmery in the sun

So deliciously slick skin of emerald and gold

So Lavish and lovely, Oh! Luscious one

Living a dream. A Venture so bold

Spreading a Lustrous Craze
At My Mistress movie premiere, with
Domina sister Penelope Dreadful

Blazing a trail of human haze

MerMistress. Mercurial Muse

Wielding her Power to Sculpt & Fuse

those who prefer not to choose

How much simpler to just be of use

To Gorgeous Glistening Goddess

So enlightened by her splendour

One can’t help but surrender

Giving in, Gliding into her sea

Slippery…  Sliding… into her Siren fantasy

Tantric Domination: The Art of Dancing to Flow

Tantric Domination: The Art of Dancing to Flow I must warn you. Even though I have years of experience in this field, I feel intimidated ...